Clinical and lifestyle characterization of people diagnosed with dyspepsia attended in the care line of an ambulatory in Belo Horizonte




Dispepsia, Prevalência, Estilo de Vida, Assistência Ambulatorial


INTRODUCTION: Dyspepsia is part of a heterogeneous group of symptoms affecting the upper abdomen. This condition directly impacts the quality of life of patients, and due to its prevalence, dyspepsia imposes a significant burden on healthcare services. OBJECTIVE: To outline an epidemiological profile of users of the Care Line of a gastroenterology outpatient clinic in Belo Horizonte who have been diagnosed with dyspepsia. METHOD: This is a prospective cross-sectional study in which 236 medical records of patients diagnosed with dyspepsia were evaluated, from which data were collected to perform a clinical and lifestyle characterization of these patients. RESULTS: Of the selected patients, 75% are female and 25% are male. The age range observed was from 19 to 90 years. The mean BMI was 28.6 kg/m2. Regarding patients' lifestyle, alcohol consumption was more frequent than smoking, and most patients were sedentary. Among the evaluated patients, the majority were hypertensive and were on continuous use of more than 4 medications. Fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin were above reference values, revealing a pattern of prediabetes in this population. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that there is a correlation between obesity and disease severity, but the alcohol consumption and smoking habits of the patients do not follow literary patterns. It was not possible to establish a relationship between laboratory tests and dyspepsia prevalence.

