Comparison of the use of copper intra-uterine device between women with and without Pelvic Inflammatory Disease




Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Copper Intrauterine Device, Risk Factors


Introduction: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is an infection of upper genital tract. Risk factors for this condition include: age ≤ 25 years, new or multiple sexual partners, early onset of sexual activity, history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or previous PID. The use of copper intrauterine device (IUD) still presents controversy in literature, as a risk factor for PID. Objective: The objective of the present study is to compare the use of copper IUD between people with PID and those without PID. Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out, in which medical records of 30 patients were evaluated. The sample was 15 women with PID and 15 without, between 18 and 40 years old, who were treated at a university outpatient clinic in Belo Horizonte. The pairing was carried out considering the following variables: age, number of pregnancies/births/abortions, active sexual life, previous PID, use of condoms during sexual intercourse, previous history of STIs, previous/current use of oral contraceptives, injectables and another type of IUD other than copper, age at sexual intercourse and multiple sexual partners. Results: In the case group, 33.3% of patients have already used a copper IUD and none currently use it. In the control group, 13.3% have already used a copper IUD and 13.3% use it. There was no statistical difference between the previous or current use of IUD between the group with PID and the group without PID. Conclusion: No difference was observed between the use of IUD in women with or without PID

